Archive Mode. Call 2022 DAKOTA PASTEL COMPETITION - THIRD QUARTER ended on 9/14/22, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Autumn Breeze

Autumn Breeze, Emerging Pastel Artist
Autumn Breeze
This plein air pastel painting was created on a beautiful autumn day in Southern Wisconsin in 2020. Working with 2 Terry Ludwig kits and 1 Sennelier kit, sprawled across my portable table, I worked dark to light. I have found that paying attention to the sky holes in the trees and noticing where the sun peaks through in the shadows along with the beautiful leaves on the ground helps create dimension. I like the hard edges on the square pastels of the Terry Ludwig sets to get the detail of the branches, along with scraping away bits with a razor blade. The round shapes of the Sennelier pastels also make a great texture in the less in other areas like the leaves. This took a day to complete and I met some very wonderful people who passed by while I worked.

Emerging Pastel Artist    8.25 x 18.25   

Pastel Brand(s) Used
Pastel Paper Used