Archive Mode. Call 2022 DAKOTA PASTEL COMPETITION - THIRD QUARTER ended on 9/14/22, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
I used soft pastels for this painting. Painting is of a field of grain sorghum waiting for the farmer and his combine to harvest. The field is 5 miles from my home and the fall sun was shining through the trees at the end of the field highlighting the fall tree colors contrasted against earth color and the purple, orange, rust, dark blue/purple and burgundy colors of heads of grain sorghum. The dried leaves surrounding each head were creamy white, gold and very soft rust. I just had too paint this scene! I made an alcohol wash for the field in dark blue. The grain sorghum heads have 12 different colors with approximately 20 strokes for each color or 240 strokes for each head. Quite the long process but definitely worth it.