Archive Mode. Call 2022 DAKOTA PASTEL COMPETITION - THIRD QUARTER ended on 9/14/22, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Unavoidable Moment

Unavoidable Moment, Established Pastel Artist
Unavoidable Moment
Soft Pastel
Sometimes walking one dog may not be that easy, but what about walking three dogs concurrently at the same time? I couldn’t but freeze and show this interesting moment when the three dogs and their walker exhibited their separate scope of thinking, even though they were linked by leashes. You can see that the four heads were cocked at different directions, showing preoccupation in their own thoughts. I used soft pastel to convey my fascination for this unique visual scene.

Established Pastel Artist    12 x 9   

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Pastel Paper Used